I wrote a little about this before, and at the risk of being labelled the worst thing in politics, a conspiracy theorist, I'd like to quote a little from John Armstrong's essay in The Assassinations about three people who were or were pretending to be Lee Harvey Oswald in the months before the assassination. Armstrong's theory, which looks pretty good, is that from youth there were two Oswalds, one named Lee Harvey Oswald and born in the South, one who assumed the identity Harvey Lee Oswald in his youth in New York City, who were raised and handled for the purpose of being intelligence operatives. Here's a glimpse of just a couple of days in the lives of the Oswalds:
Visits to the Cuban and Russian embassies by an Oswald no one identified by sight as Lee Harvey Oswald took place on September 27. That evening, a "Leon Oswald," probably Lee Oswald, was in Dallas visiting Silvia Odio.
In the afternoon of the following day, Mrs. Lorena Brayshaw and her daughter Carol met and spent time with Oswald, probably Harvey Oswald, in New Orleans in the French Quarter.
That same day, September 28, with an Oswald in Mexico City, and Harvey in New Orleans, Lee Oswald arrived at the Sports Drome Rifle Range driving a 1940 Model Ford. He asked Mr. Price, a friend of the owner of the facility, to help him sight in his rifle. With car lights shining on the target, Mr. Price sighted in the rifle.
Why would someone impersonate a nobody to create a false connection between Oswald and the Cuban and Russian embassies? Why not ask James Jesus Angleton of the the CIA's counterintelligence unit? After all, it turns out his office had a file on Oswald from before the assassination. Or ask J. Edgar Hoover, who claimed immediately after the assassination that he had proof that Oswald had visited Cuba in 1961 (unfortunately, the same time that Oswald had defected to the Soviet Union and was working in a factory in Minsk).
What's the importance of an Oswald visiting the daughter of a man involved in a more liberal anti-Castro organization two months before the assassination? Why was it necessary to get the help of a stranger at a firing range to sight in his rifle? And, remember, as we all know from the official Warren Report history of Oswald, he couldn't drive. So why did Oswald drive to the firing range?
Orwell wrote: "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past." It's absolutely clear that there were several Oswalds around prior to the murder of JFK. If you read the Warren Report it becomes clear that the authors picked and chose from two of the Oswalds lives to create a legend of a man who was to be made the scapegoat for the murder of JFK.
Of course, we can't ask J. Edgar Hoover or James Jesus Angleton about what they knew about the Oswalds prior to the assassination. Both men are now dead. But why do you suppose that their agencies are still so protective of what was going on, why Oswald just happened to get a job in the Texas Book Depository a couple of weeks before the President's motorcade happened to be sent through Dealey Plaza below? My favorite quote attributed to Napoleon, probably after he lost at Waterloo, is: "History is a series of agreed-upon lies."
By what lies is your history conformed?present controls the past." well wrote: "Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past."
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