What a difference a day makes. My knee feels so much better today than it has in a long time. Of course, it will wear off. But for the moment feeling no pain feels great.
Izzy was a bad girl today. While I was walking her, her best buddy Mickey came racing out of her backyard. Then Barb hopped out and we let the two dogs off-leash the two of them, as long as they kept each other busy, were fine. But when Mickey was taken back into custody Izzy made a break for Sandy Boulevard. Sandy is at the open end of our block. It's a four-lane street and carries a pretty good volume of traffic. She never ran into Sandy but she did run around up a block then down a block. It was pretty scary to me. At one level I know she used to run wild for a time and she loves being off-leash. But when she gets those crazy eyes and starts running around I can't catch her. I eventually made sure she saw me and I turned away from her and walked home, knowing that seeing me walking away would get her to follow me. And she did. But I can't trust her off her leash. Joan said no more off-leash.
We were supposed to go to the theater tonight. It was about a woman who walked with her mother along the "Trail of Tears", when Indians were removed from their lands and marched west. It sounded pretty depressing. I came down with a touch of diarrhea and was feeling a little sick. Joan wasn't feeling all that well herself and it started raining. So we didn't go.
So that's the news from here.
Oh, and if you haven't already, check your email. There are a load of pictures of our favorite five year-old, if my email worked.