This is an old picture of Lindsay and Joanie from the day after Christmas. Lindsay was working on Christmas.
Otherwise, things are still quiet. I think the weather guy at six said that rain was coming in for the weekend, but that'll be fine with us. We're not working out in the rain, or raining going to work. We're retired. The only thing I have to do is walk the Iz. There are several different routes we use for our walks, more will be available in the Summer when I trust my knee going up and down the stairs at the end of our block, but for now we head west through the neighborhood.
The first block, the way the neighborhood is laid out, is pretty much how we always start out. Sometimes by the time we reach 47th as our cross street she's pretty much attended to her needs but if she needs a few more blocks we do it. My knee doesn't usually hurt on our walks anymore, so we're not limited to my condition. Maybe my conditioning. But wherever we go, what blocks we walk down, she's sniffing away. She likes to sniff under small plants and bushes where field mice and other little furry things may sleep. There's a pile of yard scrapes that someone left near the sidewalk where it's been slowly decaying over the winter. Izzy likes to sniff that. Sometimes we go where I want to go, sometimes I just let her take us wherever she wants to go. She generally turns around so that we can go past the gas station where they always give her dog biscuits. She's a dog but she's not stupid.