Another picture from Fogfest.
In local news we actually had rain today. The kind of rain that gets things wet. Real rain. More good news. When he mommy dropped Oliver off at school Friday morning the substitute teacher asked for a minute with her. She told her that Oliver was a joy to teach and such a good little person and that she was nominating him for a "kindness" award. I'm not sure what that is, but it's really good. We're all very proud of Oliver.
And Joan's daughter Lindsay, you saw her thigh and her new dog Cooper in a picture the other day, just joined a special group for EMTs (those folks who drive the ambulances). On Thursday night Lindsay delivered a baby!
Joan and I are slackers. No nominations for any awards, no delivering babies, but I walked Izzy in the early drizzle before it really started coming down.
So things are fine here. I hope you're feeling better. Let me know how you're doing as soon as you can.