It's a great picture, but neither Joan or I were in Las Vegas.
Watered the lawn yesterday, and steaks on the grill tomorrow. Izzy and I took two nice, long walks. Nothing seems to be nicer for her than taking a long walk and sniffing things. Sometimes if she's sniffing lots of things intently she opens her mouth like she's sighing or it helps the sniff in her snout to circulate, like the flowers and such are all nature's brandy snifters. I'm not sure what she's doing but she's done it enough times that it's not coincidence. I'm going to have to see if there's anything on the internet about this.
There are lots of things for Izzy to sniff. Flowers. There's a block where there's a cherry tree next to a fig tree along the sidewalk and both are dropping now. Lots of squished and squashed fruit. It seems to send her into ecstacy. And her golden eyes get kind of crazy.
Well, that was the highlight of my day. Joanie and I had a great shrimp salad, kind of like a shrimp louie, but better. It really was the best salad I've had in years. Wow. Just great.