While others are flying around the world, or at least somewhere, we across the street. Oh, Izzy and I went on an adventure. We cut across the new medical building parking lot, down fiftieth and then along Brazee for a few blocks. She is in such ecstacy sticking her nose into everything. She just loves traveling along new streets that she's practically dragging me around. I can imagine that her days on the street were wild, running this way and that. I suspect she's had her share of garbage behind the McDonalds and Taco Bells.
I went down the road a bit to the Kaiser campus in Clackamas, a few miles south of here. The dermatologist gave my face a look over, froze a non-cancerous thing on the back of my right ear. He looked at the other stuff and gave me a thumbs up, so that's good. While I was down there I got some new stuff for my CPAP machine, a new hose and a new facemask. I left it out in the car so I'll have to wait until tomorrow to upgrade my machine.
It cooled off a lot overnight and it was pleasantly overcast with a nice breeze in the afternoon. This evening when I took out some food scraps for our compost can I thought of how wonderful the weather is. Oh, we'll complain about the weather 90% of the time, but that sweet spot is sweet.