The other day I cooked a pork tenderloin on the grill. Great.
The bbq lighter was missing, though. It had been windy a few days earlier and it was probably knocked off the back porch then. I did eventually find it, broken open, across the backyard. The little propane tank inside the plastic handle was missing.
Northeast Portland has been having problems with gangs of roaming raccoons wandering around at night, causing much fear about tipped garbage cans and scarred cats. My first thought was that the raccoons had some perverse use for the propane, maybe for a jetpack. Once the raccoons get airpower the war is lost.
But Joan thought the culprit was closer to home, probably one of the dogs. Gilbert for one has never seen an earplug he hasn't wanted to swallow. Earplugs disappear from the bedroom upstairs and are rediscovered days later in the backyard.
So far we haven't recovered the cannister. And no dogs have flown or blown up.