This explains why I didn't like scallops and liver as a kid.
Parents of picky eaters often wonder why a child would stick with mac & cheese and chicken nuggets when there are so many other yummy foods. And now scientists may have an answer. A new study of children with a fear of new foods -- also known asfood neophobia -- adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that picky eating is the result not of bad habits or simple stubbornness but of heredity.
In other words, genes may be to blame.
"Over the last 10 years, there's been more and more interest in this question of nature and nurture with food," study author Dr. Myles Faith, associate professor of nutrition at the University of North Carolina, told The Huffington Post. "Food neophobia is one of the ones that has the strongest genetic holdings."
The study involved 66 pairs of identical twins four to seven years of age. It showed that 72 percent of a child's food avoidance is the result of genes, according to a statement issued by the university. The remainder is influenced by environment: factors ranging from having the television on during meal time to whether a family sits down to eat together can affect a child's eating habits.
While previous research has yielded similar findings about the strong tie between picky eating and genetics, those studies involved adults and older children.
"We wondered if genetics might have a smaller role earlier at younger ages than what was shown for older kids and adults, but in fact, the role in genetics and the size of the gene impacts was similar," Faith said.
In veel gezinnen staat Moederdag gerand voor verwennerij. Moeders krijgt ontbijt op bed, cadeaus en de huishoudelijke taken moeten door vader en de kinderen worden overgenomen. Moederdag wordt in Amerika, Belgi?, Nederland en vele andere landen uitbundig op deze manier gevierd maar het idee begint al te ontstaan in 1600 bij de oude Grieken.Moederdag werd gegeven ter ere van Rhea: moeder van de goden. Vervolgens dook er een ′Mothering Sunday′ op in Engeland rond 1600. De Amerikaanse rechter Julia Ward Howe neemt in 1872 het eerste initiatief tot Mothers day en uiteindelijk wordt het idee in 1907 verder uitgewerkt door Anna Maria Reeves Jarvis uit West-Virginia in de Verenigde Staten. De feestdag heeft zich in zijn huidige vorm vanuit de Verenigde Staten over de rest van de westerse wereld verspreid. Het vereren van moeders is dan ook een veel oudere traditie dan de moderne Moederdag.
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Posted by: jordan pas cher | 12/01/2013 at 10:30 PM