This morning it was feeling really cold and, of course Izzy wanted to go a few extra blocks.
There's a series of storms coming this way. Actually, the first one is here. It's a steady rain, and the temperature is dropping. Luckily, tomorrow is Saturday so the weekday commute into town won't be impacted, but after tonight's storm there's another one coming in Saturday night. The seven-day forecast is a little blurry but it sounds like we'll be getting some more storms and snow. When we only get an inch of snow the city goes nuts. It wouldn't make sense to prepare for one snowstorm every couple of years but get hit with four in a week. We'll see what the weather will be overnight.
Above is a picture of a wood elf from four years ago. And as cute as he was, he's a real person now. A really good kid. We hosted him after school today. It's great when we pick him up. He briefs us as to the latest events in school and in his life. Today he was carrying a Captain America shield, which had a zipper pocket and could also be used as a frisbee. When we got home O demonstrated the frisbee feature. I don't know if the zipper pocket was spoiling its aerodynamics, but he didn't care that it took him two tries to get it on the porch.